Our Commitment to the land and the people around us
Garden of Eden Permaculture and Aquaponics School is a 5 acre organic farm located on the southern Pacific coast of rural Nicaragua. It is just a short walk to the Pacific ocean. The beaches are beautiful! Close by we have a thriving mix of local communities and ex-pats.
How did it begin?
Michael and Paula Lindsey
Founders of Waves of Love Organization 501(c)(3)
In 2010 a family vacation in Nicaragua turned our world upside down. Through the years we have grown in our spiritual awareness of God's presence not just in our hearts but in the environment and the land he has blessed us with. We recognize that we haven't done the best job in nurturing the land God has given us. And so, our adventures in permaculture, aquaponics and black soldier flies began. It's a learning process... to honor the land and to honor the people.
The educational process
certification in aquaponics design
certification in permaculture principles
Michael is the founder of Garden of Eden Permanent-Ponics, a registered business in Nicaragua. With more than 40 years experience in landscape design, installation and maintenance with tropical plants he saw the need to grow and expand (like his plants)!Michael went back to school to obtain a certification in aquaponics and permaculture. The focus of Michael's permaculture design is creating food forests using sustainable methods while maintaining the beauty in your landscape design.
Moving forward
We are creating an educational center offering alternative solutions to living. It's not just about the plants. It's a new ecosystem involving us, our animals, and the edible plants we all need to live a healthy sustainable life.We want to share this vision with others.